Warehouse management is divided into five parts: the admission materials, materials development, packaged goods, material requisitions and building materials issue. 仓库管理部门分五个部份:收料,发料,包装出货,物料请购以及建立料号。
Cost of beginning work in process inventory To record the material cost of WIP& Finished Goods ( FG) according to the warehouse material receipts notes and material issue note. 期初库存在产品成本根据入库单和出库单测算在制品和产成品的材料成本。
Do with material issue on line. 在线原料问题的处理。
Material incoming inspection, collect and feedback quality issue back to vendor. 来料检验,质量收集与反馈。
The paper generally discusses the existing material management issue, and proposes the solution of the integrative material management, then introduces the concept, points, advantages and realization. 本文主要就目前医院医用物资管理一体化的概念、特点、优势和实施进行讨论。
To record the material cost of WIP& Finished Goods ( FG) according to the warehouse material receipts notes and material issue note. Pick a database to index. All available databases are listed. 根据入库单和出库单测算在制品和产成品的材料成本。选取要编入索引的数据库。所有可用数据库都已列出。
We examine whether disclosures of material internal control weaknesses affect auditors'propensity to issue going concern opinions. 我们调查了是否公开重大的内部控制缺陷会影响到审计师给出继续经营意见的倾向。
Productivity material ownership is a issue of choice for accumulation subject. 生产资料所有制实际上是一个积累主体的选择问题。不同的积累主体具有不同的积累动力和积累效率,从而决定着生产资料积累的状况,进而成为人们考虑选择积累主体的重要因素。
The security issue of keys in conventional cryptosystem mainly concerns with secrecy and anti-crackdown of the key material, while in public key system this issue mainly means the correctly banding between the public key and the owners identity. 传统的对称密钥系统的密钥安全主要指密钥的保密性和不被破解;公钥密码系统的密钥安全主要是指公开密钥和身份绑定的正确性。
The results indicate that the stress-strain constitutive equation is nonlinear and belongs to material non-linearity issue. 分析结果表明,纸张的应力应变具有非线性关系,属于材料非线性问题。
The transportation of filling slurry material with high water content is a key issue in this method. It is different from the transportation of general typed slurry material. Better or worse transport of it will influence the strength of filling material. 高水充填料浆输送是本方法的重要一环,它不同于普通料浆输送,其输送质量好坏直接影响到充填体的强度。
Nuclear Safety Management and Control on Material Issue of Leak-tight Liner of Ling 'ao Nuclear Power Plant Unit 3 岭澳3号机组核岛安全壳钢衬里材料变更问题的核安全监督管理
The research of the new and high conductivity material of lithium ionic conductor is always an interesting issue in the material field due to its low potential, light weight and providing high cell voltage and energy density. 由于锂具有较负的电极电势和较轻的重量,可以为电化学器件提供高的电池电压和能量密度,所以锂离子导体高电导率新材料的研究一直是材料研究领域倍受关注的课题之一。
On the basis of general analysis of the standard of judicial-review, this paper studies the standard of judicial-review of anti-dumping from two aspects: one is material issue, the other is law issue. 本文在对司法审查标准进行一般分析的基础上,从事实问题和法律问题两个方面较全面地论述了反倾销司法审查标准。
On the basis of system analysis of our existing military material transportation management, it is presented that the Government Issue container transportation management pattern and it is established that the corresponding organization and information net framework based on information technology. 本文在对我军现行物资运输管理系统分析的基础上,提出了基于信息技术的军用集装箱运输管理模式,建立了基于信息技术的军用集装箱运输管理的组织机构和信息网络结构;
Material Development& Application Issue Digest 新材料开发与应用专题文摘
So the "Green Design" of packaging with papery material is still an important issue at present. 因此分析纸包装设计中存在的问题,研究纸包装的绿色设计方法,仍是当前的重要课题。
More standard application of architecture material is concentrated on the issue of security and environment and there is an urgent request for the material that accord with the standard of health and environmental friendly and beautify environment as well. 首当其冲是对建筑材料的选用推广提出了更多的有关安全、环保性等的标准,对于使用那些既符合相关健康环保标准,又能美化环境的材料提出迫切要求。
So Marx really wants to solve these "material interests" issue, he must create a new theory to explain these issues. 马克思要真正解决自己所遇到的物质利益问题,就要创立一种新的理论去解释这些问题。
As the preliminary investigation system in the legislative defect, leading theorists of the preliminary investigation on the nature, the legality of preliminary investigation, the preliminary investigation stage to obtain material evidence of ability to continue to debate the issue. 由于初查制度在立法上的瑕疵,导致理论界对初查行为的性质、初查的合法性、初查阶段获取材料的证据能力等问题争论不断。
Batch production using suitable nonmetallic or composite materials instead of the traditional steel material is a hot research issue in recent years. 传统钢铁材料批量生产的产品能否采用非金属或复合材料制造,是近几年国内外研究的热点。
In port, oil depot and petrochemical industry, tank is the special equipment of storing raw oil, liquid chemical material, and chemical products, the safety issue of tank is a significant event. 储罐是港口、油库和石油化工行业储备原料油、液体化工原料及其产品的专用设备,其安全问题受到了人们的广泛关注。
Food is important material to human being. As a global public issue," Food Security "has been concerned by states and international society. 粮食是人类赖以生存与发展的重要物质基础,粮食问题作为全球性公共问题,一直都受到主权国家和国际社会的关注。
The key scientific problem of blood contacting material is the surface clotting issue. 材料表面导致的凝血问题是与血液接触材料的关键科学问题。
The first section will elaborate the reason why the constitution of that time did not involve the territory clause, through the history material of discuss on this issue when draft and amendment of the constitution. 第一节围绕建国后宪法制定和修改过程中领土条款的讨论展开,通过史料详细阐述当时领土条款不予纳入宪法的原因。
Food as the vital strategic material and overlooked issue became the focus of world attention again. 粮食这个最重要又常常被忽视的问题再次成为世界各国关注的焦点。
This article starts by economizing cost on the premise of satisfying the construction material demand, makes research on the issue of railway construction material purchasing decision-making. 本文在满足建设物资需求的前提下从节约成本的目标出发,对铁路建设物资的采购决策问题进行了研究。
How to improve the process of material cycling is always the key issue in maintaining the structure and function of plantation. 如何改善人工林生态系统物质循环过程是维持人工林结构和功能稳定的关键科学问题。
Therefore how to effectively extract light out of the material has become a major issue in device design. 因此,如何有效地提高材料的外量子效率成为现代器件设计的一个重要问题。
With its wide application in industry as well as engineering, for example, earthquake exploration, studies on underground water quality and determination of crack inside material, inverse problems have been a hot research issue both at home and abroad. 反问题广泛出现于工业及工程应用中,例如,地震勘探、地下水质研究、材料内部裂纹的确定等。